My mum died peacefully. Five days before her passing I was called by the care home, so my brother and sisters were able to spend the last days before she died with her.
And actually I felt very well prepared for it, thank you. And in particular found the week with her, as she withdrew, quite beautiful.
I am so grateful that you took me through the process, because it meant I could be present at her death and not caught up in the drama of the moment. I am able to get stuck into my creative work life now.
I’m writing to thank you for assisting me with the process to relieve my grief.
As you know my close friend passed away in front of me in the ER in November, as I sat by her bed. Everything had happened so quickly from finding her unconscious on the floor in her bedroom, to those precious minutes by her bed in the hospital.
The times we had spent together prior to that were very precious. I talked to her a lot about life and the learnings I’ve discovered on the journey and she loved to hear the stories. Her face would light up on hearing deeper truths.
I was distraught at the hospital when she passed and in subsequent days and weeks. After speaking to you, you encouraged me to participate in the process to illustrate that “nothing’s missing”.
Since then the weight has been lifted from my shoulders. When I’m in places where I took my friend, I feel her presence and love and know she is with me. I see the smile on her face.
Thank you for this precious gift!
Ivo guided me through a series of 1-1 on-line sessions, through the journey of my dog's illness and passing. Working with Ivo supported each of her transitions, this allowed me to be present and enjoy her last months without the fear of losing her. His gentle and professional approach guided me through his unique process, through which I had many realisations that brought me into balance.
The day she passed I was able to be completely with her and have deep gratitude for the love she shared with us, without experiencing the pain of grief of her passing. I would highly recommend working with Ivo and have already recommended him to friends who have also benefited from his valuable work.
I have recently begun to work with Ivo on a 1-1 basis on-line, as my Aunt is moving through Dementia. The sessions have allowed me to be in a space to make the practical decisions for her ongoing welfare without being overrun by my emotions. Ivo holds a knowledge and certainty in using his method and the results are palpable. I am very grateful for his work and his ability to hold a space for me to vocalise my concerns and find a balanced perspective, so that I do not experience the anxiety of grief.
I asked for help when I was in despair because my boyfriend had put our relationship on hold. We applied the The Demartini Method ® and this helped me balance out my emotions. My fear turned into faith that I am okay whether we are together or not. The method helped me regain peace of heart and see the perfection of the situation. I had 100% peace with either outcome and 5 minutes afterwards my boyfriend called to ask if we could meet again: Demartini Magic at work! Thank you.